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Our newest team member: account manager, Louie Callegari

06 December 2021

We are pleased to announce the arrival of our newest team member: PR account manager, Louie Callegari. This new hire came as a result of our continued expansion through increased demand for our services, following successful navigation of the pandemic and lockdown periods.

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What are brand awareness campaigns and why should you use them?

15 November 2021

Whether you have a multi-million-pound business or one that operates out of a garage, brand awareness is vital in order for people to know you exist. Without brand awareness, promotional campaigns can seem too “hard sell”, and with no brand affinity, consumers will often rather stick with a brand they know.

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The benefits of social media marketing

29 October 2021

Along with a sharp rise in social media usage as friends and colleagues communicate, more businesses than ever are getting online and using social media to reach out to their customers, too. Here are just some of the ways that social media marketing can benefit your business.

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Why PR is essential to build your brand

18 October 2021

Trying to build your brand’s reputation online? Developing a PR strategy is often one of the first steps to growing your audience, with many considering PR to be the best way of communicating your brand’s values, outlook and identity to the public via a range of media outlets. There are many reasons why PR is important in your business marketing, such as developing important connections, building credibility and raising awareness of what your business offers. Here are just a few of the benefits of business PR.

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The reasons content will always be king!

04 October 2021

In marketing, the phrase “content is king” is often cited as the first rule to success, but many beginner marketers fail to understand the big question of why it’s so important to master content creation in your marketing strategy. With so many businesses battling it out online to gain attention, consumers can be easily overwhelmed with choice when seeking out the brand and service that really resonates with them. This is where content comes into play, as this is often your first impression when being introduced to new customers.

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How regular website content can boost SEO

20 September 2021

For most businesses, the website is the forefront of the operation: the place where potential and existing customers can access the information they need to gain knowledge on your business, and the calls to action to make a purchase. Your website is a way of driving customers to your business and will often be the first thing new clients see when being introduced to your company. With a website playing such an integral part in most business marketing strategies, it’s important for people to be able to find your website easily. Regular content is one of the most effective ways of improving the SEO of your website.

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Time to refresh your brand? How updating can boost a brand's profile

06 September 2021

In the competitive world of marketing, businesses need to establish a strong brand to be recognisable and individual against the crowd. Most businesses, at some stage during their lifetime, will undergo a rebranding in some form or other. Rebrands have been rolled out successfully in many popular companies such as Uber and Airbnb, with clearly effective results.

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Five PR myths you should be aware of

09 August 2021

Public Relations (PR) has many different forms, from communicating with the community through a stand-alone blog post to a fully-fledged PR campaign. At its core, PR is about curating relationships with the public, encouraging positive messages about your brand and improving the reputation of your services and products. Despite its importance, there remains confusion over the role PR plays in a business strategy.

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What makes your content newsworthy?

02 August 2021

If you work in communications, the question ‘what makes your content newsworthy?’ is one you will have asked yourself at least once – and probably more! The answer depends on fluctuating factors such as your target audience and the type of content; however, there are a few simple things to consider when writing and publishing any company content to check whether it is newsworthy:

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PR vs Marketing: Everything you need to know

26 July 2021

In this busy media-consuming world we live in, millions of businesses reach out daily to their audiences in a variety of different techniques, hoping to hit just the right note that will eventually lead to a positive action (such as a sale). In marketing, it’s crucial to layer many different brand awareness practices into your business to get the best results, and your PR strategy can often be overlooked in all of this.

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