How to plan and promote the perfect event

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When holding an event, the planning and promotion are really the deciding factor in your success. You may have a really interesting idea for an event, but if no one knows about it, then how can you expect people to attend? If you can create a good PR strategy, then the good results will follow.

Social media

Of course, in this day and age, promoting through social media is a given. You’ll reach the widest audiences with good social media marketing for your event, so don’t neglect it. You can create an event on Facebook itself, allowing you to gauge the interest and give all the details that attendees would need. Making it public means that people can invite their friends too, taking out some of the work for you.

Don’t just focus on Facebook; post about your event across all of your social media pages, such as Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. It’s worth considering boosting posts too – that way, you can target your preferred audience and the people you think would be interested, as well as reach people you wouldn’t normal reach. Create a hashtag to associate with your event so that people who attend can use it too. Tailor this hashtag to current trends so that people are more likely to see your posts.


It’s not only you that can make waves on social media. Influencers are a great way to get your name known. Get in contact with local influencers, especially ones interested in the idea behind your event. For example, if your event relates to beauty, then getting beauty influencers on board will help you connect with other beauty fans. It will require a lot of confidence, a strong idea and benefits for the influencer’s time, but it can be a great way to spread the message and create a strong image.

Press releases

Contacting local news organisations both before and after the event can be a great way to get your name known. Writing a press release is the best way to do this and it’s what most journalists will expect. Make sure that you follow the conventions of a press release, as anything poorly written or unorganised will be instantly ignored. Find an angle to your event, as a strong story will be more likely to be covered. For example, if your event is raising money for the local community, focus on that.

A press release after the event is just as important as before, as this is how to promote your success and create your image as a trustworthy brand. Make sure to take good quality pictures at the event, because these will be used to accompany the article.

The event

While a good PR strategy will help to boost your event, it won’t carry a poor event. Make sure that the event runs smoothly and make it live up to expectations. This will involve good planning, especially if you have guest speakers, as well as good hospitality such as refreshments. Combine a good event with good PR and you’re onto a winner.