Digital marketing strategy: Where's the value?

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With a reported 87% of UK residents making an online purchase in 2020, ensuring your digital marketing is on point should be a key factor in your entire business strategy.

Without planning and implementing your digital marketing strategy in a focused, targeted and efficient manner, you could end up wasting a lot of your marketing budget on futile advertising efforts.

Here’s five reasons why focusing on developing your digital marketing strategy is beneficial to growing your business.

Develop a Clear Plan with Targeted Goals

Developing a robust digital marketing campaign strategy not only gives you a clear direction, but also adds a sense of accountability to the whole process. Key channels for smaller marketing teams tend to focus on email marketing, social media and website content - but there are loads of other digital marketing options available.

Setting out your strategy in terms of goals, budget, target audience, key campaign messages and the best marketing channels, along with how these goals will be measured, will set you on the right path for digital marketing success.

Broaden Your Online Presence

Improving the volume or quality of your online content is an effective strategy in making your website more visible to online searchers. Every time a potential customer clicks onto your site from a reputable social media channel, or engages with new content on your website, you are gradually boosting the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) on your site. With a huge proportion of buyers spending their time online, this is a key goal.

Using your marketing strategy to develop valuable and attractive content across your chosen channels will see your site creeping up the Google rankings in no time, along with increased social media following and, in turn, sales!

Learn More About Your Audience’s Buying Mindset

Utilising all of the great tracking features across your marketing channels such as Google Analytics, Facebook Ads and your click rates in e-marketing tools such as Mailchimp gives you a real-time analysis of how your customers react to your content, products, and messaging. Analysing this data not only provides insights into the types of customers you attract (age, location, gender, interests), but also what messages prompt your audience to click and eventually buy. You can see what times of day your audience is more active and responsive, along with loads more important information.

Make sure you’re sending the right message (A/B testing)

Further to analysing your audience’s mindset, employing the use of features such as A/B testing on social media campaigns and email marketing can further develop your understanding of which types of content and messaging are bringing in the sales and which types you can leave behind. A/B testing is essentially splitting your audience in half, and sending two different messages to each audience, with the same marketing goal (e.g - download this e-book). Wait for the results to come in and see which of these campaigns performed better. You can then narrow down which content you should continue to use and develop further. Lots of marketing tools have this feature, so it’s a good idea to use it!

Measurable ROI with Ads Campaigns

It is very difficult, near impossible, to track the effectiveness of some of the more traditional forms of marketing such as flyering, print media and postal marketing. On the contrary, with a well implemented digital marketing strategy, you can clearly track your results and measure your ROI with Pay-Per-Click campaigns, Facebook Ads and other advertising channels. Having this data available can ensure you are dedicating your vital marketing budget to the right places and making the most of your money.

Seren Global Media PR are experts in delivering high quality digital marketing campaigns for a broad range of clients. If you want to develop your digital marketing strategy, get in touch with us today on 01792 293 333 or email